In an Order last week, Magistrate Judge Wang chided the parties in a terrorism funding case for having filed a joint, 73-page discovery letter, consistent with a pattern of “protracted letter-writing campaigns” that have embroiled the Judge in “day-to-day supervision” of discovery.

She ordered the offending letter stricken, but an an earlier one (at 54 pages) appears to be the type of correspondence sparking the forceful order, in which she cited Charles Dickens’ fictional case Jarndyce v Jarndyce, as illustrating the problem: Continue Reading Magistrate Judge Wang Warns Against “Protracted Letter-Writing Campaigns” Over Discovery

In an opinion today, Magistrate Judge Wang denied a motion for sanctions premised on (among other things) the “sheer volume” of objections during two depositions, including, in one instance, a deposition with an objection on approximately 80% of the transcript pages.

Judge Wang concluded that the number of objections alone was not enough, given that the objections were largely appropriate:
Continue Reading Magistrate Judge Wang: “Sheer Volume” of Deposition Objections Not Enough for Sanctions