In an Order yesterday, Chief Judge McMahon, going beyond last week’s order, limited courthouse access to, essentially, those that have a concrete reason to be there in person.  Specifically, the Order allows only for the following groups to enter the courthouse:

  • Persons who have been ordered to appear by any judge of the Southern District of New York;
  • Persons who have been directed to appear by the Probation Office or by Pretrial Services;
  • Debtors, creditors and their attorneys who have case-related business before the Bankruptcy Court;
  • Government employees who work in the courthouse and are authorized to appear by their employer;
  • Contractors who are authorized to appear by the Office of the District Executive;
  • United States Postal Service mail carriers, private mail carriers and private delivery services;
  • Law enforcement personnel;
  • Credentialed courthouse press;
  • Family members of criminal defendants who are attending scheduled proceedings;
  • Persons with an interest in attending scheduled criminal trials;
  • Victims and their family members who are attending scheduled proceedings;
  • Jurors in ongoing trials and grand jurors; and Persons designated by the Chief Judge of the United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit.