The “furnishing company” for rap artist T-Pain, perhaps best known for his collaboration with Jaime Foxx on the song “Blame It,” filed a breach of contract suit this week against an Australian concert promoter. Attached to the complaint is a contract rider specifying what T-Pain requires for concert travel, including that he travel first class, stay in a five-star hotel suite with a balcony, and be driven around in a bullet proof SUV. The dressing room must have (among other things) “[t]wo (2) bottles of Grey Goose, “[t]wo (2) bottles of Hennessey [sic] Cognac,” and “One (2) [sic] large tray or pan of hot wings.” The “after-show catering” requirements involve more wings: “(6) Regular Cheese Pizzas, (6) Dozen Hot Chicken Wings, 3 pans of Cheese Lasagna.” The case is assigned to Judge Castel.