A class action complaint filed last week alleges that Red Bull (and its affiliates) falsely claim the energy drink “gives you wings” and is superior to caffeine products, when it is in fact no better than a cup of coffee:

The Red Bull Defendants prey upon consumers by promising that, among other things, “Red Bull gives you wings” by providing a mixture of ingredients that, when ingested, significantly improve a consumer’s physiological and mental performance beyond what a simple cup of coffee or caffeine pill would do for a consumer’s physiological and mental performance. The Red Bull Defendants base their claims upon and tout numerous scientific studies they claim demonstrate the superior nature of Red Bull branded energy drinks over simpler and less expensive caffeine only products, such as a cup of a coffee. Upon information and belief there is no genuine scientific research and there are no scientifically reliable studies in existence that support the extraordinary claims of Defendants, that Red Bull branded energy drinks provide more benefit to a consumer than a cup of coffee. The Red Bull Defendants know or should know that there is no greater benefit to ingesting Red Bull energy drinks than ingesting an equivalent dose of caffeine and have taken no meaningful steps to clear up consumer misconceptions regarding its Red Bull branded energy drinks.

The case is before Judge Marrero.